
 | Uudis on aegunud: 09/30/2013 05:00
Sõlmitud lepinguga annab AS Eesti Raudtee MTÜ Taevaskojale tasuta kasutusse Taevaskoja raudteejaamas asuva ootekoja. MTÜ eesmärgiks on ootekoda remontida ja jäädvustada infotahvli abil samas kohas enne teist maailmasõda asunud hoone olemasolu.

Kommentaarid (9):

22.02.21 07:51 - nene25.com

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
로그인없는 스포츠중계

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

19.02.21 08:43 - nene25.com

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.
로그인없는 스포츠중계

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

NeNeTV is a free sports TV that you can watch anywhere in the world and do not require login.

09.06.20 08:53 - ppowertv.com

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07.05.18 01:05 - pengobatan penyakit asma terbaik

Terimakasih infonya:)

12.04.18 03:54 - walatra madu murni


12.04.18 03:54 - walatra madu murni


30.06.16 05:31 - acemaxscare

mohon kunjungannya http://acemaxscare.com/, Wow Ini baru informasi yang sangat menarik, sungguh beruntung aku ada disini http://goo.gl/T2n5cY | http://goo.gl/9t85kr

03.06.16 02:38 - acemaxscare.com

thanks for the information that has been conveyed , very interesting.


16.05.16 04:38 - acemaxscare

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LEADER projekti eesmärgiks on Taevaskoja külakeskuse teisel korrusel asuvate ruumide renoveerimine. Projekti abiga renoveeriti, käsitöötuba, käsitöötoa abiruum ja köök. Soetati ka köögile ja käsitöötoale vajalik mööbel. Projekti viis ellu MTÜ Taevaskoja.
Projekt "Taevaskoja külakeskuse varustamine kriisiks vajalike vahenditega" -toetab SA Kodanikuühiskonna Sihtkapital.
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